Introducing and Review Cashaa The Next Banking Platform

Hallo everyone welcome back with me Argiyan, still we always discuss the world of cryptocurrency. On this occasion I will share an article about an incredible Future Banking Platform.

This platform is called Cashaa , basically Cashaa moving in the field of Banking International made by the Team that has no doubt, of course this project will be a very extraordinary project later. well without any further details , let's move on to the subject, but before we read more about what  Cashaa is , it's good to see the video about what  Cashaa  is.

Cashaa The Next Generation Banking Platform for The Nex Billion 

Cashaa makes the best banks, opposes the global banking industry, creates applications and products with our community of users. Our platform based on Blockchain allows its users to store, store, spend, receive, borrow money and get insured, with a simplified user interface for legitimate reasons. Finally, Cashaa tries to become a universal store for financial needs.

Cashaa includes companies and individuals in Blockchain with existing in the financial world in a decentralized way. The Cashaa platform includes a decentralized exchange provider liquidity mechanism, a messaging network for information exchange mode and a gateway-blocker with assets.

The network is designed as a highly efficient system by using an interconnected Blockchain design, while cleaning and counting occurs above the CasChain layer, the cost of protecting external transaction costs to other networks in a way that directly contributes to the cost of this chain.

The Cashaa network is internally agnostic between fiat money and decentralization. Billions of key users in the world's largest developing country will shift from the use of financial resources to the use of decentralized currencies such as BTC, ETH, and others.

Lack of identity is one of the main reasons in developing countries, which prevents people from participating in the financial system. Cashaa will create identification data for such users, using their retinas and thumbs with private keys, making counterfeiting impossible.

Advantages of Cashaa

Digital and transparent services from Cashaa create a unique cross-border platform that can serve the entire population.

Send money abroad quickly, with a small commission. Our advanced technology platform, based on our merchant network, can protect your money and offer the best foreign exchange rates every time you use Cashaa.

Cashaa products can enable users to access the global economy in a decentralized way. They can facilitate the transfer of values ​​across boundaries, thereby increasing portfolio diversification with higher returns.

Create DApp next generation to solve the biggest financial problems in the world. Our SDK and Open API developers with integrated biometric and integrated intelligence services will accelerate the growth of digital innovation.

Cashaa is not just an ordinary banking application. Our wallet provides instant updates, delivery, acceptance or payment via our interface. Now you can have one account to deposit your money and crypto currency and use it at your discretion.

Your money in the cashaa wallet will move faster, the recipient will be able to receive money within 30 minutes in their local currency on a card, bank account or wallet in the world within our network.

Benefits for holders of CAS tokens

Cashaa Wallet will be able to convert currency in real time, shopping, deposit and instantly send money to any card around the world.

Access to premium services, such as higher FX transfer limits, ATM withdrawals, unlimited amount of money transfer and exchange.

The Token owner can provide loans and receive instant loans at low rates compared to holders without token.

The accumulation of CAS counters improves the credit ratings of individuals with low credit ratings and small businesses.

Only traders with sufficient CAS amount can participate in the trading network and have the right to make intellectual contracts to be traded.

The voting system is another purpose of the CAS token, the bet holder will be able to manage smart contract renewal, etc.

Good Team

- 1 CAS - 0.1 $ - 

Are you interested in this great project?
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Original Posted By: Argiyan.Tri
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