Magos and Magos Token Sale

"Collaboration of Neural Networks.
Tuned for predicting future events with high accuracy"
 Technology is improving day by day and with it, our lives are becoming more easier. Day by day latest innovation are happening and each innovations bring something important for us. With the advent of Blockchain technology, many application are coming into existence which are highly secured and transparent.
The latest and most ambitious development in technology is the  inception of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). It holds the key to the  future technology. Leading tech companies are developing many A.I.'s for  different domains. Like we have recently heard about Tesla. They have  come up with their Self-driving cars using A.I. technology. In the same  way, Facebook, the leading Social Media Giant, also working on  developing it’s own A.I. for improving social media experience. 
Now, it  can be said that A.I. is the future. If we talk about Blockchain technology, then it is being widely used  in many applications currently, especially providing a base for  cryptocurrencies to make them more secure and transparent. But now, A.I.  has come in Blockchain technology to provide a platform or an  architecture to forecast the predictions in multiple real life domains  like Sports, Weather, Business, Stocks, Trading and many more. 
This architecture name is MAGOS 

MAGOS Overview

MAGOS is a complex architecture which works on Neural Network to  learn about the a specific field where it is implemented and make  meaningful predictions about it. MAGOS is basically a forecasting model  which uses it’s own Neural Network, a basic A.I. which understands a  particular data and learn to excel that data, then make meaningful  forecasting about future outcomes related to that field. 
For Example: If MAGOS architecture is implemented in  Stock or Crypto currency trading, then using it’s neural network which  actually works like a human brain, it’ll understand the trading data it  has been provided and learn to excel in it. After that, MAGOS can make  reasonable future predictions and forecast about the Trading market. 
MAGOS promises the high accuracy, more than individuals or complex  systems. It runs on it’s own A.I. protocols and can expand it’s reach to  every prediction market. MAGOS created a fund on Ethereum Blockchain  and all the profits gets distributed to MAGOS token holders as per their  vesting interest.  

How MAGOS Makes Profits ?

MAGOS generate profits by applying forecasting and predictions to  various domains and multiple online platforms. After doing so, all the  profits generated will be transferred to MAGOS fund, which is created by  this Architecture and from there it will be distributed as follows:  
  • 85% percent to the MAGOS token holders.
  • 10% Re-invested back into the MAGOS fund.
  • 5% will be used to meet operating expenses.
MAGOS tokens also provides the right to it’s holders to vote on the  profit distribution percentage. Also it bears the right to profit  sharing as I have mentioned above. 

MAGOS Near Future Implementation

MAGOS will work initially on the sportsbook and conventional  prediction markets. But soon in early 2018, MAGOS will expand to  Decentralized Ethereum based prediction markets like Gnosis, Augur and  STOX platforms. Future prediction market has a bright future and huge potential to  gain profit and help people to monetize their prediction knowledge or  experience. 
As we already know about Betting which is a core factor of  many decentralized applications right now, growing rapidly and people  are making demands for the applications which can deal with prediction  market. MAGOS will be a leading architecture on which majority of other  Platforms will be based in the near future because of it’s Neural  Network model which actually can be considered as true Artificial  Intelligence. 

MAGOS (MAG) Tokens

MAG tokens can be obtained through the pre - ICO or Main ICO sale of MAGOS. MAG tokens provides 2 unique rights to their users.  
  • The Voting Right
  • The Profit Distribution right within the MAGOS fund.
MAG tokens are ERC-20 on Ethereum Blockchain. The total supply of MAG  tokens are 50,123,377 and no other tokens will ever be created after  it’s main ICO crowdsale. 

MAGOS ICO Crowd Sale

MAGOS ICO sale is live right now and getting huge response from  all the investors. All the deposits will be made in ETH or BTC and all  the tokens which be received by an Investor can be stored in Ether  wallet until it becomes tradable after the conclusion of Token sale. 
1 BTC = 27738 MAG 
1 ETH = 1995 MAG 
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