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The Future of Crowdfunding

Hello my good articel blog friends,
Welcome back with me Argiyan. On this occasion I will share a very good article from a project that is certainly good too. this time I want to discuss ICO project named Kickico, surely you are wondering how this project works and what is the purpose of this Kickico project, let's look more detail about Kickico project, just look below, or you can also visit the official website at:

Starting from a dream and will come true, this is the slogan of Kickico, this company is born with fantastic potential here, you have all the resources and support needed to realize your idea.

The term ICO or crowdfunding translated literally is "fundraising by the people". This is because, unlike traditional investments, where few people put a lot of money into a project, they can collectively increase their value through many people (who believe in their ideas and potential).

KickICO is a project of a block-based platform for which everyone can launch their own ISO.
Here is the project site, be sure to visit it:

The process of working with KickICO is standard. The user starts his company, and the community decides whether to finance it or not. Similarly, a company founder can launch special bonuses for participants. All work is controlled by a smart contract and security and continuity of work will be provided by the blockbuster.

The KickICO project has several significant advantages against similar projects. First of all, this is freedom of choice of the founder. Everyone who has a worthy idea can launch his own kraundfundig, crowning, or ІСО. Another important feature is the KICKONOMI ecosystem, which directly motivates each participant of the system to interact with the platform.

The term ICO or crowdfunding translated literally is "fundraising by the crowd". This is because, unlike traditional investment, where few people put a lot of money into a project, with collective funding you can raise smaller values ​​through many people (who believe in your idea and potential).

The potential of doico or crowdfunding in Brazil is enormous. In a country where it becomes increasingly difficult to get investors, crowdfunding appears as a simple and viable alternative to carry out the project you've always wanted to get off the paper.

 However, it is a challenge for the founders of crowdfunding platforms to create differentials to stand out from the existing ones and, possibly, those that will still be created. In addition, they need to convey the necessary confidence to those who invest and to whom they are raising funds for the realization of their dreams. There is also a need to professionalize the sector of the country, to make the service better and better.

Some problems in the ICO market become more and more popular, more and more companies are using this technique as a fundraising mechanism. However, this is a new frontier and there is no regulation around it. As a result, there are many fraudulent campaigns where the founders disappear after they have raised funds, essentially deceiving the public.

Today we have many ICOs in the Altcoins market, but how do we trust?

The solution:

KICKICO is a site for automated and independent ICOs, pre-ICOs and crowdfunding campaigns, built on Ethereum and funded by cryptography. KICKICO's goal is to solve the above problems and create a unique platform that will bring together ICO's creators and supporters and crowdfunding campaigns to form an active and up-to-date community.


The KICKICO platform supports three types of fundraising campaigns: ICO, crowds and crowdfunding. No other platform can boast of the same flexibility and freedom of choice. In the case of pre-ICO and ICO, the sponsors receive tokens or cryptocurrency in exchange for their cryptocurrency. However, unlike any other platform, KICKICO sponsors always get one more coin created by the KICKICO - KickCoins platform. So when they support pre-ICO, ICO, or mobility campaigns, sponsors receive two coins at the same time, which gives them a double benefit, and when they are compatible with crowdfunding campaigns, they receive KickCoins, guaranteeing them against the failure of the project.

Financial benefits

Unlike other platforms that charge a commission rate of 5 to 10% for the placement, not to mention another 5% granted to the payment system and 10 to 30% paid by the creators as fiat taxes, KICKICO funds are transferred to the campaigners virtually in their entirety, as cryptocurrency. The platform charges 4% for ICO campaigns and 4% for crowdfunding campaigns. This rate is taken when the project successfully completed fundraising. In the case of ICO campaigns that mint new tokens for supporters, KICKICO also takes 4% of the tokens or cryptocurrency produced by that campaign. All other funds are immediately transferred to a campaigner who decides where, how and under what terms his taxes will be paid. Therefore.

Crowdinvesting Campaigns

Not a single popular crowdfunding platform currently allows creators to run crowd campaigns (sometimes called equity crowdfunding campaigns). This is because there is no legal framework that allows many supporters, from many different countries, to become beneficiaries of a start-up. However, Ethereum technology allows us to forget about these problems. The code can do what the legal system could not. Now we have the opportunity to organize multitudes campaigns, not only for residents of a country, but for the population of the entire world, regardless of place of residence, jurisdiction, nationality and other bureaucratic obstacles. Crowdinvesting campaigns are similar to ICO campaigns, but tokens are part of the company's ownership, or a share of profits,

Some projects already active on the platform!!

Let's Create your campaign now!


Since the late 2000s, when Kickstarter (2009) and Indiegogo (2008) were launched, the world has been watching the rise of crowdfunding. Many project creators believe that crowdfunding platforms are just a simple way to raise funds for a project without needing to attract fickle VC investment.
However, in fact there are lot of limitations and obstacles.
First, traditional crowdfunding platforms do not accept projects from countries where they have no presence. Second, they charge high commissions (15-20%), as do the payment systems people must use to contribute with. Third, they are overwhelmed with "failed" projects that let down the backers and the platform itself. Fourth, the larger crowd-funding platforms became all about big companies with strong marketing, rather than about creators with bright ideas, but no marketing budget.
The crypto-revolution that is happening now will change things, facilitating fundraising and making it as easy and simple as it is supposed to be. Decentralization, crypto-currency, and smart-contracts are the new solutions for a project to raise funds.
The fundraisers will no longer be dependent on the platforms, KICKICO is the first up-and-running blockchain fundraising platform that offers comprehensive solutions for ICOs, crowdfunding, and crowdinvesting.
  • We provide fundraisers with everything they need: technical solutions, including smart-contracts, marketing outreach, and also advisory and management expertise, all driven by our team of 20 fundraising experts.
  • We provide all projects' backers with a bonus in addition to the tokens they get and we protect them from unfeasible projects by studying every project's potential and getting the expert analysis of our advisors (experts in different fields).
  • KICKICO and all the projects within its ecosystem form the Kickonomy, a space powered by KickCoins that perform a variety of utility roles for users and creators.
  • We are transparent: KickCoin is controlled by the KickCoin fund, which is independent and ruled by the community.
Our mission is to help innovators, game developers, entrepreneurs, designers, and other future-thinking creators to bring their ideas to reality regardless to their location, origin, or socio-economic status.
Unlike many other blockchain start-ups, we have a working product and not just a roadmap. We will be up and running by October, 2017

Legal governance and compliance

We have invested in seeking out legal and compliance expertise to ensure that KICKICO meets the new regulatory rules of the Initial Coin Offering at the ICO-stage.
According to the professional opinion of our legal advisors, based on the Howey Test our KickCoins should not be deemed as securities and do not need to be registered as a security.
KICKICO focuses on the legislative regulation of ICO, digital tokens and operations with cryptocurrencies to provide our Users and Contributors safe and reliable solutions for crowdfunding 2.0.

Market overview

In the mid 2010s the start-up industry is experiencing dramatic changes. The method for financing companies and projects tends to decentralisation and diversified funding made by the general public. Venture capital is losing its share while Crowdfunding and ICOs raise capital at a rapid rate. At the same time the new blockchain technology has given start-ups the opportunity to fundraise in a more independent and decentralized way.

An increased number of successful ICOs and soared funding in general testify high demand for this investment method

ICO market problems

As ICOs, or "Initial Coin Offerings", become increasingly popular, more and more companies are using this technique as a fundraising mechanism. However, this is a new frontier and there are no regulations around it. As a result, there are many fraudulent campaigns, where founders disappear after they have raised funds, essentially scamming the public.
The founders of ICOs also face problems. The space is currently very fragmented, there is no comprehensive list of ICOs, and developers must create their own landing pages and publicity campaigns from scratch. This reduplication of effort wastes time and resources that could otherwise have gone into developing a better product.This fragmentation also affects potential backers adversely. People currently find out about ICOs more-or-less at random.
After someone does make the decision to invest in an ICO, there is another sticking point: ICOs take place on multiple different exchanges, using multiple different currencies, often requiring a lengthy verification process. More potential backers are lost at this stage. And finally, companies that would like to enter the ICO market, but do not have their own cryptocurrency or tokens, are completely deprived of such an opportunity. If you are not an Ethereum developer, it's incredibly challenging to launch an ICO. Thus, as of today, there is no single convenient venue either for creators of ICO campaigns or their backers. There is no single platform that allows for convenient viewing and discussion of campaigns without prior technical knowledge.

Crowdfunding market problems

Crowdfunding has its own difficulties. After raising millions of dollars, many large projects either flopped, never kept their promises, or completely disappeared. As a result, a huge number of people lost their money along with their belief in crowdfunding. As many as 80-90% of crowdfunded projects never deliver their product.
The main problem in crowdfunding is that backers are completely unprotected and there are no guarantees that they will not lose their money. Problems that campaign creators have to deal with are equally challenging. Launching a Kickstarter campaign requires a resident to be present in one of the countries of official work, and there is also a lot of paperwork to fill out. As a result, many creators have no access to large crowdfunding platforms, limiting their fundraising opportunities, and narrowing the reach and diversity of the platforms.Crowdfunding is now dominated by astroturfing campaigns run by large, well-funded companies, rather than indie developers. This inversion of the intended purpose of crowdfunding happened for financial as well as legal reasons. The hidden costs associated with running a crowdfunding campaign are not commonly recognized:
5% fee to the platform
3-5% for payment processing
Costs of rewards for backers
Fee to a platform residence based intermediary (if the project is not based in the country where the fundraising platform operates)
Professional PR services to promote the campaign
Taxes on funds raised
In the end, creators are only left with 60-80% of the funds raised. This is one reason so many crowdfunded projects fail to deliver on their promises; there is not enough money left over after paying the expenses of the campaign. Some crowdfunding campaigns even end up costing the creator more than they raise.

Solution: KICKICO

KICKICO's Platform is an online blockchain technology-based crowdfunding platform which provides its Users (project authors, backers, advisers, escrow-agents, translators, designers, advertisers) with online fundraising tools that operate through decentralized blockchain technology and smart contracts.
These tools provide opportunities to:
  • launch ICOs, pre-ICOs, and crowdfunding campaigns
  • provide various support services related to the launching of ICOs, pre-ICOs, and crowdfunding campaigns
  • ensure the safety of PreICOs, ICOs and other crowfunding campaigns, using KickCoin cryptocurrency for internal payments


The KICKICO platform supports three kinds of fundraising campaigns: ICO, crowdinvesting, and crowdfunding. No other platform can boast the same flexibility and freedom of choice. In the case of pre-ICO and ICO, when backers buy tokens, they always receive the unique currency created by the KICKICO platform itself - KickCoins.
Therefore, when they support pre-ICO, ICO, or crowdinvesting campaigns, backers receive two currencies at once, which gives them a double benefit, and when they support crowdfunding campaigns, they receive KickCoins, insuring them against the failure of the project.

Financial Benefits

Unlike other platforms that charge a 5-10% commission fee for placement, not to mention another 5% given to the payment system and 10-30% paid by creators as fiat money taxes, funds on KICKICO are transferred to campaign creators practically in their entirety in the form of cryptocurrency. The platform charges 4% for ICO campaigns and 4% for crowdfunding campaigns. This fee is taken when the project has successfully finished fundraising. In the case of ICO campaigns that mint new tokens for backers, KICKICO additionally takes 4% of the tokens or cryptocurrency produced by that campaign. This fee is transferred to the KickICO reserve fund (see Fund section below).

Comparison of various commissions and rates to attract investment in the world (including bank account fees)
All other funds are immediately transferred to a campaign creator who decides where, how, and on what terms their taxes will be paid. Therefore, many creators of crowdfunding campaigns launched on KICKICO pay only 4% fees in ETH as compared to a minimum of 15%-40% if they are launched on first-generation crowdfunding platforms.

Crowdfunding campaigns

Creators of many campaigns do not need to create their own cryptocurrency or tokens. For example, a creator raises funds to produce a play or record an album. Such creators cannot launch ICOs, and all they can do is promise some rewards to their backers. In the vast majority of cases, backers do not receive anything but promises, because their interests are not protected. KICKICO platform solves this problem by providing backers with its own currency, KickCoins. Thus, when they support crowdfunding campaigns with their money, backers get not only promises (as on other crowdfunding platforms) but also a real valuable asset — KickCoins in the amount of up to 20% of their contribution as a bonus.

Comparison of the advertising campaign cost in developed countries with costs when raising funds on KICKICO
We believe that the currency will not only grow in value over time but will later probably be accepted for payment on the KICKICO platform itself. The liquidity and utility of KickCoins will be provided by the possibility of using this virtual currency on the KICKICO platform as payment for various services. The owner of a KickCoin will be able to use this virtual currency to launch ICOs, pre-ICOs, and crowdfunding campaigns, acquire professional help for designing a crowdfunding campaign, as well as pay for various services of advisers, moderators of crowd-hosting campaigns, translators, designers and other contributors around the World.
Thus, the KICKICO platform creates a completely new concept: "ICOs for crowdfunding".

Crowdinvesting campaigns

Not a single popular crowdfunding platform currently allows creators to conduct crowdinvesting campaigns (sometimes called equity crowdfunding campaigns). This is because there is no legal structure that allows many backers, from many different countries, to become beneficiaries of a start-up. However, Ethereum technology allows us to forget about such problems. The code can do what the legal system couldn't. We now have the opportunity to organize crowdinvesting campaigns not only for residents of one country, but for the population of the whole world, regardless of their place of residence, jurisdiction, nationality, and other bureaucratic obstacles. Crowdinvesting campaigns are similar to ICO campaigns, but the tokens give some part either in ownership of the company, or a share of profits, or something else the campaign creator decides on (it is different for each campaign).


With the features described above, KICKICO creates a synergized place for different audiences that did not interact before, such as creators of ICO and cryptocurrency projects and their backers, or creators of classical crowdfunding campaigns and their backers who have never dealt with cryptocurrencies before, authors of their projects and experienced army of advisors, moderators, designers, translators and other specialists all over the World. All parties benefit from KICKICO's new system: creators get access to new audiences and sources of funding and help from different kinds of advisers, while also significantly lowering their overhead. Backers for the first time get a guarantee against the failure of their projects, get the chance to receive valueequity in return for their investment, and get access to a broader range of projects. Advisors, moderators, designers, translators and other specialists from all over the World get the opportunity to receive value in return for their contribution.


KickCoin digital token is a virtual currency, which is designed to be used by project authors for mutual settlements inside KIСKIСO to pay for the launch of their crowdfunding projects, to purchase services for crowdfunding projects, and for other internal processes and payments within the infrastructure of the KICKICO and KICKONOMY. KickCoin is a cryptocurrency awarded to backers who support preICO, ICO, or crowdfunding campaigns.
KickCoins are generated by the smart contract automaticallyy when backers support campaigns that are launched on the platform. Therefore, KickCoins are never 'made out of thin air' but are always backed by other currencies, as well as by campaigns successfully completed on the platform. Additionally, KickCoins will never be in excessive surplus. They are always backed not only by other currencies but by campaigns themselves, and only by those that were successfully completed on the platform.
The only exception is the initial pre-generation of KickCoins. A total of 800 million KickCoins have been generated, including 30 million to conduct preICO, and 600 million to conduct ICO. Another 100 million have been generated and shared between the founders of KICKICO, and the rest have been generated for advisory, lottery, bounty, seed investors and PR pools. KickCoins are not mined by users or any other companies.

KickCoin Emission

For ICO campaigns, the platform fee will be 4% of collected ETH, and 4% of the campaign's tokens. In return, we provide from 4 to 8% of the KickCoins (in effect, selling our KickCoins to the campaign creator in exchange for the fee). Those KickCoins will be given to backers, together with the campaign tokens.
For crowdfunding campaigns, we give backers from 4% to 20% of the value of their investment as KickCoins, depending on their reputation on the site (Karma scores). This rate is being taken from exchanges, but will never be less than 0.0005 ETH per KickCoin.
This system ensures that in both ICOs and crowdfunding campaigns, the backer gets cryptocurrency for their contribution. We have two requirements for creators of crowdfunding campaigns that want us to provide KickCoins to their campaigns:
1. They must provide us with a photo ID, and proof of address in the form of a utility bill or bank statement (as when verifying with a payment system), so we'll know they are real and who they are;
2. The campaign must raise at least $10,000. Smaller campaigns are too risky, because they may become targets for a recursion attack, in which someone creates a campaign, pays his own money (through dummy backer accounts), receiving his own money, AND our KickCoins.


KICKICO charges a fee from successfully completed campaigns in two versions: 4% in ETH and 4% of the project tokens which were emitted by it (in cases where the project issues their own tokens). 4% of the fees go to ensuring the maintenance and development of the platform, and 4% of the tokens will automatically be sent to the KICKONOMY reserve fund .
As the platform develops, more and more tokens of third-party projects will accumulate in the fund. By 2019, we project that there will be at least five hundred different tokens in the reserve fund. In the event, even if only 10% of these tokens show multiple growth, the value of the reserve fund will increase many times, and with it the value of KC.
In the future, we plan to register a non-profit foundation as a separate entity. This will be feasible when all necessary regulatory approvals are clarified, primarily the SEC and MAS. After that, the fund will be officially registered as a separate legal entity (fund), and management will be decentralized and transferred to the community, which annually elects its representatives — delegates.
Delegates will receive the right to manage the fund: transfer of "garbage" tokens into the reserve fund, improvement and strengthening of the fund's portfolio, and other organizational functions. Management will be carried out by voting, with a 51% consensus among the voters.


This term defines the ecosystem of projects that accept KickCoins. If a project launched on the platform has the KICKONOMY banner, it means that after its release it will accept KickCoins for payment. Thus, the more campaigns involved in KICKONOMY, the more liquid and popular KickCoins become.
Economic platform system
KICKICO is a platform on which users will be able to launch fundraising for their ICO, crowdfunding or crowdinvesting projects. Users can also invest in ICOs, preICO campaigns, or support crowdfunding. Fundraising is carried out in Ethereum (ETH), so both authors and those who invest in their campaigns (further backers) can be from anywhere in the world.
KICKONOMY ideology
It is important that the relationship between authors, backers and the community be mutually beneficial and strong. KICKICO expands the framework of the platform, creating a transparent ecosystem to unite the community, backers and projects. Long before the launch of the platform, we created the principles for organizing the relationships between all participants of KICKONOMY.
The balanced and limited issue of KickCoins is tied to campaigns successfully being completed on the platform. The KickCoin = ETH starting rate for emissions after the release of the platform will be fixed at the level of 1 KickCoin=0.0005 ETH, which forms the value of the token in the eyes of the backers participating in the campaigns. However, with the growth of the exchange rate, the emission rate will be adjusted for the market, so the emission rate on the platform won’t reduce the market value of KC.
We are organizing rules of circulation that stimulate demand, thanks to unique goods, services and privileges for users, minus the limited emission.
  • Business — KICKONOMY open environment, and KickCoin free currency, any business can easily use KickCoin as a means of payment within the platform, and attract a new, loyal, solvent audience to their projects
  • KickCoin is the fuel of KICKONOMY, a freely circulating cryptocurrency, and a convenient payment instrument
  • Community — backers, activists, consumers of project services.
  • Projects are already functioning businesses or projects that are at the launch stage who are in the process of crowdfunding or crowdinvesting campaigns;
  • Marketplace is an internal platform service that combines products and services for projects, including unique ones. Allows projects to receive an influx of a new loyal audience and funds, which increases the liquidity of KickCoin
  • Services — KICKICO plans to create a self-regulating KickCoin community reward system for useful activities such as translations, surveys, localization and promotion, by giving project authors a convenient tool to attract community
  • Exchange is a tool that supports the liquidity of KickCoin and the liquidity of the project's tokens
  • Fund, as a separate entity, governed by the community
An important key to encouraging participation in a community, currency or an economy with a free market is a fair accounting system that fully reflects the contribution of each participant. The given decision will allow the organization of an effective decentralized, self-regulating environment, by means of a system of motivation, ratings, and voting by participants.
The ability of each member of the community to participate through voting, along with the ability to extract dividends as a result of the operation of the nodes, will create an additional incentive to possess KC, and will additionally support the platform.
The rating system on the platform will allow users to get additional motivation for the development of the platform, as well as its separate services: this thesis has been well tested on the Steem platform. The KICKICO team develops its own system of degrees of popularity and numerical evaluation of user activity based on existing experience, but using its own unique algorithms.
The reputational system allows minimal effort to correct with the necessary precision the actions of each of the participants in the system, as well as of individual groups and even the entire community as a whole, which, of course, positively affects the evolution of all components of the environment.
The visualization of KICKONOMY
Platform Earnings
KICKICO platform will take 4% commission from crowdfunding campaigns from all received ETH. The commission is transferred to the KICKICO account after successful completion of the fundraising. This comission goes to ensuring the maintenance and development of the platform Also there is a comission of 4% emitted tokens of any project (the only exception is pure fundraising, where no tokens are produced) that automatically is sent to the KICKONOMY Reserve Fund.
As a result, this Fund forms a cryptocurrency basket, in which may be thousands of different cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, a 4% commission on tokens of crowdinvesting campaigns means that KICKONOMY Reserve Fund will become a minority "cryptoshareholder" of each company, which has successfully completed the fundraising on the platform, and will receive "cryptoincome" from such companies. The portfolio of the Fund is managed by professionals and the community, only reliable and prospective tokens with high growth potential are left, which will increase the capitalization of KICKICO, and support the cost of KickCoins (KC).
KickCoins and KICKONOMY
KickCoins (KC) is a ETH-based token that follows the ERC-20 standard. KC is generated in two versions. The first, generally accepted option is the generation of pools for the needs of the company, such as payment for localization services, referral programs, bounty awards, etc., as well as pre-sales for pre-ICO and ICO.
KC received by people who financially supported the campaigns on the platform (backers) will be accepted as payment in a variety of projects, such as those that successfully collect funds on our platform and become participants of the KICKONOMY. For existing and functioning ones,a special department will be formed for dealing with agreements with interesting companies. Games, applications, platforms, exchanger, and even offline projects will become participants in the KICKONOMY network. We already have a number of such companies that will be launched right after the platform release in October 2017, along with those already functioning and interested in cooperation. For those that will be running on the platform, this is necessary for functioning on the platform (which gives a lot of traffic and visibility), placing projects in the KICKONOMY directory, and to get completely free traffic and customers willing to spend not only their KC, but other money. In addition, we will use our marketing budgets to support precisely these campaigns because it is more profitable for us than to simply advertise the platform itself. The more successful projects we have, the better and more attractive the platform will be. This indirectly positively affects the course of KC.
KickCoins use in Kickonomy
Important part of KICKONOMY is how KickCoins are used to create the circulation of currency and create supply and demand mechanisms.

KickCoins are useful in multiple use cases in the ecosystem on the platform:
1. For authors
  • Payment for a review — get a qualified review of the campaign from selected memebers of community.
  • Draft moderation — a low fee (just symbolic) to moderate a camapign. Part of the fee will be allocated to a quality-checking moderator.
  • Moderation before launching — every campaign goes through moderation before launch. Initially it will be made by platform officers, then moderation will be performed by those who are chosen by community as well as by campaign advisers.
  • Paying for smart-contract deploy — the creation of smart-contracts for tokens and crowdsale will also require a fee.
  • Guarantee of getting into our digest — there will be different types of digests: daily, hot, new ones (which are just launched), community choice, editor’s choice, week’s best, etc.
  • Payment for translation and proofreading services — to be successful globally many languages are required, so there is an option to receive such services from the community on the platform.
  • Payment for creative content — visual assets, video assets, voice overs, and advertising materials are critical for a project that wants to get noticed.
  • Payment for the services of community advisors — get support for your project from qualified advisors and increase attention to the campaign.
  • Autobounty — paying for actions of community members to spread the word about the campaign.
2. For community
  • Election of community advisors — voting for advisors requires symbolic sum to cast a vote.
  • Electing moderators — same as previous, voting for moderators requires symbolic sum to cast a vote.
  • Voting for a project - an additional option for a campaign to get higher position and become ‘the choice of the community’ campaign.
  • Social benefits — it is actually for fun, some decoration, such as a ‘golden frame of the avatar’. It could be a special, unusual font in comments, the background of a user’s profile, or something else which lasts for some period of time.
  • Fine and penalty payments, set by moderators — penalties for swearing, spam, flood, indecent actions, and other actions that break the code of conduct. The sum of penalty may grow if the inappropriate actions are repeated by users.
  • Virtual gifts — the option to exchange interactive gift among users on the platform, like flowers, a glass of tea, a lucky ticket or something else.
With the platform development more uses of KickCoins will be adding to increase the liquidity
KickCoins growth forecast
The formation of a large number of projects participating in KICKONOMY is the basis for the growth of the price of the KC: if more games, services, shops and other businesses will use KC, the more in-demand and the higher their liquidity will be. KICKICO is building its business model specifically on the creation of such projects, increasing their number and connecting existing ones to the KICKONOMY. However, this won't only positively affect the cost of the KC. Cryptocurrencies are very sensitive to significant events, and we understand this.

Expected number of projects, raising funds on KICKICO
The launch of large campaigns on the platform will attract additional attention to it. Each launch of a campaign such as this on the platform will positively influence the reputation of the platform and the KC course.

Growth of the GDP of KICKONOMY
Successfully completed campaigns give us three positive events: the campaign is being prepared for launch, the campaign has been launched on the platform, and the campaign has successfully raised funds. Each of these reasons supports not only the campaign itself, but also a platform,together with KC.
Since KICKICO takes half the commission of ICO campaigns in their tokens, the positive growth of these cryptocurrencies affects the entire portfolio of the platform and, thus, indirectly supports the value of KC.

Forecast. The growth rate of the KickCoin
We have formed a department that focuses on the strategic development of the KICKONOMY by connecting existing large companies. We plan to connect the top players of different markets. Just a few large campaigns on the level of, for example, Wargaming, can increase the demand for KickCoins by several times.
Issue of KickCoins
The initial issuance of KickCoins is limited to 750,000,000 KC (+ founders' pool) during the pre-ICO and ICO campaigns. Unsold KC that were created for sale during pre-ICO and ICO will be frozen on a smart-contract without the possibility of their subsequent withdrawal or use (they will actually be destroyed(burned)).The initial issue of KickCoins is programmed by a smart contract and will be carried out in the following order:

Founders' pool is limited to maximum 10% of all tokens issue and will be frozen for 1 year
Bonus emission
During two years after the ICO we make a limited bonus emission to reward our community members, who keep the KickCoins in the following order
For clarity, we visualized the same table as a graph. In blue, it shows what will happen to KickCoins, if the buyer decides not to sell them immediately after the ICO, but keep until the end of the entire bonus emission period.
  • We are already in open beta mode, and in September-October 2017 there will be a platform release where anyone can launch the campaign.
  • We work with all campaigns: crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, pre-ICO and ICO, which can issue their own tokens and won’t be tied to our platform.
  • In this regard, backers will be more willing to pay into the campaign - after all, they will receive not only illusory promises, as on other platforms, but also KC that can later be sold or used for payment in companies participating in the KICKOINOMY.
  • We know exactly what is needed for both companies and for single authors. What do backers need? What is needed by the whole ecosystem and the Ethereum blockchain. And we make a functional token that will be convenient, useful for everyone and won’t lead the blockchain into decline.
  • We have one of the lowest commissions on the market.
  • Due to the fact that the authors collect cryptocurrency contributions, they get a unique opportunity to choose a convenient residence for taxation.
  • Unlike 99% of ICO campaigns, we don’t just create another cryptocurrency in an already crowded market. We are building a KICKONOMY, in which KickCoins are a tool and a method, and not the basis of future profit.
  • We will accept all popular cryptocurrencies and fiat money and unite two big industries: crowdfunding (fiat money) and ICO (cryptocurrencies). These completely different audiences will mutually engage each other in projects and campaigns that they couldn’t even think of before.
  • We have an excellent, competitive team that will cope with any difficulties and will realize everything that is stated in the Whitepaper.
Not only does the KICKONOMY directly increase the value of KickCoins, but it also supports backers if the campaigns do not keep their promises, giving them a liquid currency in the form of KickCoins. KickCoins can be used to buy rewards from other campaigns launched on KICKICO, or to participate in any projects that are a part of the KICKONOMY. If a backer donates to a festival that never gets launched, or a play that never gets produced, their money is not lost (as with first-generation crowdfunding platforms), they have simply bought a cryptocurrency.
When KickCoins reach a certain market value, KICKICO will cease their emission and start accepting them for payment for campaigns. Backers who have KickCoins on their accounts will be able to exchange them for products or services of campaigns hosted on the platform, while financially supporting those projects at the same time. This will be an important moment in the development of KICKONOMY, because it will increase the liquidity and value of KickCoins, as well as the demand for them.
When there are a certain number of campaigns in the KICKONOMY ecosystem, a special section (market) will be opened on the platform for active and completed projects - members of the KICKONOMY ecosystem. Backers that received KickCoins will be able to visit any of them and spend their KickCoins if they wish.



All users must be registered on the platform to carry out any activities. Registration is a standard process through email, or you can sign in through Facebook, Google, Twitter.
KickCoin wallet (KCW)
All users of the platform have their own unique wallet created automatically. If a user requests, their wallet can be replaced with a different ID, which may be necessary if the user's access to their wallet is somehow lost. The password for a newly created wallet is the same as the user's account on the platform, but it can be changed if the user wishes.
A user who supports any campaign on the platform receives the status of backer. Backers can be creators at the same time. If a backer supports a campaign that has its own cryptocurrency or token, then it will be sent to that backer's Ethereum wallet.
Anonymous mode
Some backers may wish to remain anonymous. In this case, they will be able to turn on 'Anonymous mode' in the settings of their profile, after which other users will not be able to view it, and when they make pledges, their avatar, first name, and surname are hidden - creators and users can only see that a certain amount of money was pledged at a certain time by some anonymous user. However, anonymous users are not able to post comments or send messages to creators while they are in anonymous mode. If a user turns off the anonymous mode, all their previous actions remain anonymous. Similarly, comments or actions made by a user in the non-anonymous mode do not become anonymous if they turn on this feature in the settings.
A creator is a user who created their own campaign. After creating a campaign, a user becomes its creator and receives the corresponding status and access. In order to avoid misunderstandings and to improve the quality of the platform content, the same creator can create only one launched campaign at a time but may create any number of drafts. Drafts that have passed moderation are 'Public Drafts' and will be listed on the 'Public Drafts' page. If the creator has set the launch date, they become 'Upcoming' and will appear on the 'Upcoming' page or the main page, depending on the stage of platform development.
Users' privacy
No personal user data is available to other users or moderators working on the platform. This list includes but is not limited: emails, wallet IDs, or funds available to users, as well as direct links to accounts in social networks, even if they are specified in the user's form. Senior moderators can see transactions performed on the platform.


General information
Campaign is a page where the campaign creator describes their project to potential backers. It may include videos, images, and text descriptions. A campaign is created by a single creator and is permanently linked to their profile. All campaigns have certain settings, some of which are mandatory and some of which are optional. For example, the target amount of funds to be raised and the fundraising duration are mandatory settings, while the availability of awards or cryptocurrency is optional.Only the creator of a campaign and moderators can edit it, submit it for moderation, launch it, or cancel it. There can be four types of campaigns placed on KICKICO: preICO, ICO, crowdinvesting, and crowdfunding (to be specified during the creation process).
Campaign stages
Every campaign will undergo following stages on the platform:
  • draft: when a user creates a new campaign and completes all the fields required for the campaign description and adds all the materials like presentations, whitepaper, team and other information required;
  • pending moderation: the campaign is sent to be reviewed and moderated by the platform team. A manager is assigned to guide the campaign and comment on any improvements needed. The campaign will be returned to the creator if it’s lacking crucial data about the campaign description or something is unclear or poorly presented, i.e, team, whitepaper etc.;
  • public draft: the campaign becomes visible for all users of the platform in 'Public Drafts' so that the creator can gather more feedback from the community and work on more improvements to the campaign that will help it become successful;
  • ready to launch: the campaign has met all the requirements for launching, has created the crowdsale contract and launched enough marketing and PR activity to attract backers;
  • ongoing: campaign is launched and everyone can participate. The campaign appears in the ongoing section;
  • completed: when the campaign is finished — it goes to this section with other completed campaigns.
A campaign might also be canceled or banned.
Campaigns can be banned by the platform's employees for violating its rules, for fraud, or attempted fraud.
Crowdfunding campaigns
These classical campaigns have almost identical features to the campaigns launched on first-generation crowdfunding platforms. The only difference is that campaigns on the KICKICO platform have smart contracts that all collected funds are transferred to. These campaigns can be of two types: All-or-Nothing, or Safe. These types are explained below. The type, as well as the target amount of collected funds, is chosen by the creator. Owing to its label, all visitors can easily identify the type of a campaign. All campaigns on the platform are time-limited, regardless of their type. The maximum duration of a campaign is 90 days.
All-or-Nothing campaigns
All-or-Nothing campaigns will not receive funds if they do not collect the necessary amount in a given time frame. If that happens, the smart contract will return funds to the backers. At the same time, backers supporting these campaigns receive KickCoins only if such campaigns are completed successfully. As a result, backers are more motivated to contribute to the success of a campaign. Their assistance in spreading information, helping the campaign, writing posts in social networks or articles in their blogs, etc., is incentivized. All-or-Nothing campaigns are for those creators who are self-confident or who can only keep their promises if they collect the required amount in its entirety.
Safe campaigns
These campaigns will receive their funds even if they have not collected the target amount by the end of the specified time. This type is suitable for small projects or those campaigns that do not need to collect the entire target amount, as well as for many preICO and ICO campaigns that can continue their work regardless of how much they have collected. As with All-or-Nothing campaigns, for the purpose of protecting backers and preventing any fraudulent campaigns, the smart contract only transfers funds to the campaign creator once the campaign is completed. KickCoins and other rewards are also transferred to backers only after the successful completion of a campaign. Therefore, if a campaign is canceled in the middle, even if it is a Safe campaign, backers get their funds back.
PreICO and ICO campaigns
Campaigns of this type differ from crowdfunding 1.0 campaigns in having a smart contract that allows them to automatically distribute their own cryptocurrency (or tokens) to the backers supporting the project. As with crowdfunding 1.0 campaigns, creators of preICO and ICO campaigns can add rewards for different tiers. ICO and preICO campaigns can be of an All-or-Nothing or Safe type.
Rewards on KICKICO will be similar to those on crowdfunding 1.0 platforms: the creator indicates what the backer will receive for pledging a certain amount of ETH. By making a pledge, a backer receives this award (either at the end of the campaign or, after the project is implemented), as well as the equivalent amount of KickCoins at the current exchange rate. Thus, the backer does not just give away their money, but exchanges it for the reward plus the KickCoins provided by KICKICO.
Creators launching ICO campaigns can use awards to implement a bonus system. For example, a backer buying a tier for 10 ETH can get 50 tokens, and when they buy a reward for 20 ETH, they can get 120 tokens. The quantities for every tier and exchange rates are set at the creator's discretion. In addition to campaign tokens, backers of ICO campaigns also receive KickCoins at an exchange rate currently on the market, or at a minimum rate if the price has not been determined yet. Tier bonus is also applied to KickCoin.
Campaigns can have different types of goals:
  1. Time-limited campaigns collect funds until the specified time is over (which was the generally accepted system in first-generation crowdfunding).
  2. Campaigns with funding goals collect funds until the target amount is reached, which is specified in ETH.
  3. Campaigns with a fixed number of tokens to sell. This option is suitable for ICO campaigns. When creating campaigns, its creator selects the desired goal and deadline. After a campaign is launched, its goal cannot be changed.
Thus, campaigns come in the following configurations:
  1. ICO/preICO All-or-Nothing, time-limited campaigns, with a goal to collect the whole required amount in a time frame specified by the campaign creator.
  2. ICO/preICO All-or-Nothing Tokensale, with a goal to sell all tokens created by the campaign in a time frame specified by the creator. These campaigns need to sell all of their tokens, and if they fail to do so, the smart contract marks their campaign as unsuccessful, and returns all funds to the backers, and the tokens are not transferred.
  3. ICO/pre-ICO Safe Crowdsale, with a goal to collect as much funding as possible in a specified time frame. Here the final amount is not so important. This could be used by a cryptocurrency start-up selling their currencies in an ICO.
  4. ICO/preICO, Safe Tokensale, with the goal to sell as many tokens as possible in a specified time frame, but without the requirement of selling all the tokens or closing the campaign.
  5. All-or-Nothing Crowdfunding, with a goal to collect the entire amount required in a specified time frame. This is the most similar to the crowdfunding 1.0 model, but achieves lower fees and less red tape by using Ether.
  6. Safe Crowdfunding, with a goal to collect as much as possible in a specified time frame, but such campaigns assert that they will fulfill their obligations to backers even if they do not collect the required amount. Not all campaigns submitted for moderation in this system can be approved. If the moderators believe that a campaign may fail to fulfill its obligations by not collecting the entire amount, this campaign will be refused.
Drafts can be of two types: private and public. Private drafts are only visible to the creator themselves, or to those provided by the creator with a special preview link. Public drafts can be viewed in a special 'Drafts' section and are visible to all visitors. The creator can change the status of their campaign from private to public at any time. However, in order for a draft to become public, it must undergo moderation. Public drafts are useful for campaigns that announce upcoming fundraising, and conduct preliminary PR activities, or ask the community for help in improving the quality of their campaign. If a draft is public, you can get feedback from the community and make appropriate adjustments before your fundraising starts, after which it is too late to make changes.
Users can subscribe to be notified of updates to the campaign. Users who pressed the 'Notify me' button will receive automatic reminders that the launch is near or that a new launch date has been set for the campaign. In addition, users who have subscribed to notifications will even receive updates prepared by the campaign creator for drafts. That said, public drafts are a convenient place for the preliminary PR activities of a campaign.
When the creator decides that their campaign is ready for launch, they should submit it for moderation, even if the campaign has been verified before its transition to the public status. Campaigns that do not pass moderation cannot be launched on the platform.
Coming Soon
This section is for campaigns that have passed moderation but are currently at the public draft stage. They are sorted by launch dates: the closer the launch date is, the higher the campaign is on the list. As a result, all visitors to the platform can see which campaigns are about to launch, what they are about, and when and what amount they are aiming to collect. If a user is interested in a campaign, or decides that they want to participate in it, they will subscribe to notifications and track its progress starting from the draft stage. This system helps creators build an audience in advance in order to give a powerful boost to a campaign from the very start of the fundraising, which greatly influences its future and increases the chances of its successful completion.
Moderation is performed by users with the status of 'Moderator' or higher. The status of moderator can be appointed both to platform employees who work under a contract, and to regular users who have gained a good reputation. During the verification process, moderators must check if a campaign, and the product for which funds are collected, is valid and to ensure the campaign does not violate the rules of the platform. If a campaign is approved by moderators, it is granted permission to launch.
After a campaign has passed moderation, it becomes available for publication. The creators themselves decide when they will launch their campaign and can do so by pressing the 'LAUNCH CAMPAIGN' button in the campaign settings. Moreover, the creator can specify a delayed time for the launch of the campaign — in which case it will launch without the creator's participation at the specified time. Published campaigns become visible to all visitors of the platform.
All users that are registered on the platform and who have access to a draft can post comments. Owing to that, creators can receive quick feedback not only from their acquaintances, but also from the KICKICO community. Campaign creators can delete comments.
Comment authors are not able to delete or edit their comments after they are published.
Campaign creators can post updates both for drafts and for launched campaigns. Updates can have videos, images, texts, and hyperlinks. After the update is posted, all of the users signed up for notifications on the campaign, and those who supported it (in the case of active campaigns), receive notifications via the email specified in their profiles.
Users can leave comments on the creator's updates, unless the creator has turned off this function. After the update is published, the creator is not able to edit or delete it. The creator is warned of this before publication.
This banner placed on the campaign page means that the campaign creator has committed their project to participate in the KICKONOMY ecosystem. Thus, the creator declares and promises their backers that their product will (or already does) accept KickCoins as a means of payment, at a rate of conversion listed on cryptocurrency exchanges. Thus, the backers who support their campaign, and receive KickCoins in return, know that they will be able to spend their KickCoins on offerings from this project. This could include access to premium content of a video game, tickets to a music festival, or a limited edition of a book.
Featuring means that a campaign is placed in the top block of the platform, visually highlighted, and awarded with the 'Featured' badge. Featuring is set by platform administrators after making a subjective decision based on such factors as high-quality preparation, traction, the number of backers, the creator's activity in terms of updates and work with the community, and participation in the KICKONOMY.
All featured campaigns appear in the weekly digest and the daily mass mail sent to all users who have subscribed to either of them.
In social networks, KICKICO publishes featured campaigns on its official pages and in its groups, and every time a campaign gets into the featured list, the platform publishes corresponding news on Twitter.
Campaign completion
There can be two ways to complete a campaign: to successfully raise funds or to fail. Failing occurs if this is an All-or-Nothing campaign and its specified time has come to an end without having achieved the goal. In all other cases, a campaign ends successfully, and if this is an All-or-Nothing campaign, funds are transferred to the creator's Ethereum wallet, and tokens and KickCoins to their backers' Ethereum wallets.
Completed campaigns are shown in the profiles of the creators who created them, and in the special 'Finished Campaigns' section. Campaigns that have failed are not shown on the Finished Campaigns page but remain available by following the link.
Easy integration of analytics
Many creators who have launched on other platforms have had to invent various ways to gather statistics on their campaigns. Nowhere are you provided with a simple, convenient, and easy way to do it. We are solving this problem with automatic integration of Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel into launched campaigns. All that is required of a campaign creator is to enter their Google Analytics ID in one field, and their Facebook Pixel ID in the other.


Running ICOs or pre-ICOs

General information
The platform is ideal for running ICO campaigns. It happens like this:
  1. A creator gets registered on the platform, and creates their campaign where they describe what it is about, how and for whom it works, its principles, and then adds images and video materials, if any.
  2. Then the creator adds their token or cryptocurrency in the settings of their pre-ICO or ICO campaign. This token is made by the creator themselves, but later KICKICO will also offer an opportunity to create a token for them — they will only need to select its name and specify the desired parameters.
  3. Also, the creator can specify the duration of the campaign and its purpose (collect 1,000 ETH, sell 10,000 tokens, or simply the duration of the campaign).
  4. Next, the creator sets rewards and specifies how much each of them costs in ETH and how many of their own tokens they will give in every case. For example, they can give 100 of their tokens for 1 ETH and 1,200 of them for 10 ETH, thus creating a system of discounts and lucrative offers.


If we examine crowdfunding, everything is even easier for an creator and looks almost the same as on other platforms.
  1. The creator gets registered on the platform and creates their campaign where they describe what it is about, how and for whom it works, adds images and video materials, if any.
  2. Then the creator can specify the duration of their campaign, its type (All-or-Nothing or Safe) and goal (for example, collect 1000 ETH).
  3. Next, the creator creates rewards, specifying how much each of them costs in ETH, and explains what backers will receive when the campaign is completed or the product is released.
  4. Then the campaign passes moderation and gets launched on the platform at the time specified by the creator. After the campaign is over, the creator receives all collected funds, and their backers receive KickCoins as a form of insurance if the creator does not fulfill their promises.

Crowdinvesting Campaigns

No crowdfunding platform currently allows creators to conduct crowdinvesting campaigns. This is mainly due to the limitations of legislative systems in different countries, the absence of regulations, and the complexities of legal registration. However, modern blockchain technologies allow us to forget about such problems and organize crowdinvesting campaigns not only for residents of one country, but for the population of the whole world, regardless of their place of residence, jurisdiction, nationality, and other bureaucratic obstacles.
Crowdinvesting campaigns are almost identical to ICO campaigns, but each of the tokens entitles the holder to a share of the profits, part ownership of the company, or something else, such as voting rights. (It is different for each campaign.) In the process described above, users are investors, or they may become co-owners of the company, or both, or something else depending on what the possession of the company's tokens gives them.
For example, a creator sells 50% of all pre-created company tokens and declares that investors will get a share in the company's profits according to the percentage of tokens they own. In this case, an investor who buys half of these 50% of tokens will become the owner of 25% of the company's tokens and receive 25% of the company's profits.


Backing the campaign
Any user registered on the platform can back a campaign if it is active (launched).
In the case of campaigns that distribute tokens to backers, regardless of whether this is an All-or-Nothing or Safe campaign, the smart contract holds all the funds until the campaign is completed. If fundraising is successful, then all of the funds from this unique wallet, minus the platform fee, are transferred to the creator's wallet, and the backers receive their rewards and KickCoins in proportion to their pledges. If a campaign fails, the funds are returned to the backers' wallets from which they were transferred and they receive no KickCoins or rewards.
Later, the platform will allow users to use external BTC wallets, or they can generate new wallets on the user's account. Users will be able to add funds to these wallets from outside or transfer funds from them to their private wallets, exchanges, or markets. Campaigns launched on the KICKICO platform can be backed from these wallets.
Automatic payment conversion
If the creator collects funds in ETH and users transfer funds to them in other currencies, such funds will be automatically converted to ETH at an exchange rate currently found on the top exchanges, and the amount of ETH after the conversion will be credited to the unique account of the campaign. The platform will support the maximum number of cryptocurrencies available for automatic conversion, and their number will constantly increase. That way, it will be as simple and convenient as possible for users to back campaigns.
Receiving funds by creators
The funds that a campaign receives to its unique wallet are controlled by the KICKICO platform. After a campaign is successfully completed, the funds are transferred to the campaign creator's wallet.
Receiving funds by backers
Since campaigns can be canceled (including by creators themselves), the backers receive their KickCoins (and/or campaigns tokens) only after campaigns are successfully completed.
Consequently, there will be no complicated situation where backers supported some campaign, received their KC (and possibly campaign-specific tokens), but then the campaign was canceled by the creator or banned by moderators.
Returning funds to backers
If a campaign is canceled, all raised funds, since they are stored in a smart contract controlled by the KICKICO platform, are returned to the backers in their entirety.


Forbidden topics and campaigns
Campaigns that can potentially harm health or reputation of other people are prohibited on the platform. Drugs, weapons, pharmaceuticals, or any illegal products are not allowed for publication. Since the platform does not set any age rating, campaigns associated with pornography are also prohibited. In addition, poor-quality campaigns, political campaigns, campaigns with a religious bias, or propaganda campaigns are unlikely to pass moderation.
Comment moderation
Offensive, spamming, and flooding comments are removed by platform moderators, and violators themselves are deprived of the right to comment. The term of the ban on commenting depends on the severity of the violation and can be either short-term or permanent.
Campaign creators who publish updates on topics forbidden on the platform are deprived of the opportunity to publish updates, and such updates will be removed.


KickCoins are created according to the ERC20 specifications of the Ethereum blockchain. Exact information about our smart contracts will be added soon - we are working on it right now.
Safety of Funds
Platform employees do not have access to user wallets. Funds raised by campaigns and stored in their unique wallets are controlled by the smart contracts automatically. After fundraising is completed, all funds are automatically transferred to the wallet that is specified by the campaign creator, and 2.5 or 4% of the amount will be transferred to the wallets of the KICKICO platform. Platform employees do not have access to unique campaign wallets and cannot perform transfers from them.
KickCoins are generated and issued automaticall as well, and only after the receipt of contributions to a campaign's smart-contract, be it ETH or BTC, is confirmed. This protects the issued KickCoins from fraud and backs all KickCoins with a real monetary value.
Users' Safety
Only account owners have access to their wallets. Passwords to accounts are not stored on the site, with hashing used for fast login. Users can either store passwords to their wallets on the platform or delete them for security reasons. In this case, a user will have to enter the password to their wallet, which is not saved on the KICKICO platform, for each transfer and pledge.
Links in user profiles to social networks, emails, and other contact information are visible only to account owners, and hidden from other users.
Only platform moderators and top-tier developers have access to links to user's linked social networks, as well as access to their contact information. Moderators do not have access to user wallets, their full IDs, or passwords.
Transfers made by users are recorded in the system and encrypted. User wallets are also encrypted on the platform, and their association with user profiles is minimized as much as possible. Only the developers of the KICKICO platform can connect wallets to platform users (except for creators, of course). This may be necessary to resolve disputes or answer questions from users if they occur.
In order to ensure the safety of backers and investors, creators who raise funds on the KICKICO platform must be public and provide backers with information about themselves. As long as a campaign they created is active, creators cannot turn on the anonymous mode. After a campaign is completed, its creator can switch to anonymous mode, but the creator's public information specified by them when the campaign was launched will still be visible on the pages of completed (including canceled) campaigns.
All personal user data, including passwords, emails, and wallet IDs, is encrypted. This protects KICKICO users from hacking or information leaks. Even in the worst case scenario, user data, passwords, and wallets will remain safe, since no access to them or money transfers from them is possible.


Crowdsourcing market global analysis

Project architecture development
Seed funding received
Platform development
Blockchain first vision

KICKICO Alpha-version
Blockchain risk analysis successfully finished

Platform integration with blockchain
Blockchain beta-version released

Whitepaper public announcement
Smart contract deployment
Smart-contract audit
First creators add their projects
Pre ICO successfully reaches the hard cap of 5 000 Ethereum
The pilot project, Magisters of Magic, raise 300 Ethereum

KICKICO public launch
Infrastructure development
Project creators attraction
Community development
First projects as part of KICKONOMY
Support program launch

Cryptocrowdfunding chat-bot ver 1.0
Salesforce CRM integration

Crowdfunders community launch

Sharing widgets
DEX launch

Reward system launch
Smart contracts visual kit
Gamification mechanics loyalty program
Crowdfunding community offline events
Cryptocrowdfunding academy launch
Mobile app development for Android & iOS
Integration with additional platforms from Etherium ecosystem
Crowdfunding blockchain fund launched

KICKOIN payment system API for easy integration into independent platforms or apps
Local creators & backers communities development
Platform toolkit development: consulting, marketing, legal support
Mobile apps public release
Integration in Smart devices (blockchain of things)

API for standalone crowdfunding campaigns
Business account for all marketing & advertising projects insights


Dedicated team
My name is Anti Danilevsky and I am the founder and ideologist of KICKICO. I've specialized in the successful implementation of crowdfunding projects for the past 7 years. As the founder of the largest crowdfunding community in Europe, I have deep knowledge of the thought processes of founders, investors and backers. We've seen the situation where crowdfunding projects made beautiful promises, collected funding, and then disappeared so many times already. It pains me so much to look at the centralized world of crowdfunding, so when the blockchain appeared, I decided to make a move.
I've assembled a team which is motivated to make the world of crowdfunding better, and together we want to build the first blockchain crowdfunding community, and offer it the platform it deserves. This is impossible without innovating, so we need funding to develop the codebase of community system management projects, security audits of the internal modules, and more.

Anti A. Danilevski
Founder and CEO

Alexander Petrov
Co-founder and CFO

Andrew Perepelitsa
Co-founder, CTO

Dmitry Raskladka
Business Development

Verdandi Cao
Lead Designer

Yury Parsamov
Strategic communications manager


Our own ICO will be held on the KICKICO platform itself starting on August, 29. It will end either when the hard cap of 200 000 Ethereum is raised or on September, 29.
600 000 000 KickCoins will be distributed during the ICO. 30 000 000 KickCoins have been already distributed during the preICO.
The price for th ICO is set at the rate 1 Ethereum = 3 000 KickCoins.
It is possible to take part in ICO with both Ethereums and Bitcoins.
The funds, collected during ICO and pre ICO will be spent in the following order:


This document is for information purposes only, and is not an offer or a call to sell stocks or securities on the KICKICO platform, or that of any other related or associated company.
KickCoin tokens are not securities
User acknowledges, understands, and agrees that KickCoins are not securities and are not registered with any government entity as a security, and shall not be considered as such. User acknowledges, understands, and agrees that ownership of KickCoins does not grant the User the right to receive profits, income, or other payments or returns arising from the acquisition, holding, management or disposal of, the exercise of, the redemption of, or the expiry of, any right, interest, title or benefit in the KICKICO or KICKICO Platform or any other KICKICO property, whole or in part.
Absence of guarantees of income or profit
There is no guarantee that KickCoin tokens will grow in value. There are no guarantees that the price of KickCoins will not decrease, including significantly, due to some unforeseen events, or events over which the developers have no control, or because of force majeure circumstances.
Risks associated with Ethereum
KickCoin tokens will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain. Therefore, any failure or malfunctioning of the Ethereum protocol may lead to the trading network of KickCoin tokens not working as expected.
Regulatory uncertainty
Blockchain technologies are subject to supervision and control by various regulatory bodies around the world. KickCoin tokens may fall under one or more requests or actions on their part, including but not limited to restrictions imposed on the use or possession of digital tokens such as KickCoins, which may slow or limit the functionality or repurchase of KickCoin tokens in the future.
KickCoin tokens are not an investment
KickCoin tokens are not official or legally binding investments of any kind. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the objectives stated in this document may be changed. Despite the fact that we intend to reach all goals described in this document, all persons and parties involved in the purchase of KickCoin tokens do so at their own risk.
Quantum computers
Technical innovations, like the development of quantum computers, may pose a danger to cryptocurrencies, including KickCoin tokens.
Risk of losing funds
Funds collected in fundraising are in no way insured. If they are lost or lose their value, there is no private or public insurance representative that buyers can reach out to.
Returning funds
If a campaign does not end successfully, or is canceled by its creator, or by moderators, the funds are returned to the wallets of those users who transferred funds to the wallet of the campaign. If the user made their payment in a fiat currency (USD, EUR, RUR, or any other), the funds are returned to their ETH wallet inside the KICKICO system. The user can withdraw this ETH or use them to participate in any other campaign launched on the KICKICO platform.
Risks of using new technologies
KickCoin tokens are a new and relatively untested technology. In addition to the risks mentioned in this document, there are certain additional risks that the team of the KICKICO platform cannot foresee. These risks may manifest themselves in other forms of risk than those specified herein.
The KICKICO platform disclaims any and all responsibility or liability in relation to any obligations made by creators of crowdinvesting campaigns to investors who bought their tokens on the KICKICO platform. The KICKICO platform is just an intermediary between creators of such campaigns and their investors. The function of the KICKICO platform is only to transfer funds from investors to creators, and tokens of crowdinvesting campaign creators to investors. KICKICO does not guarantee the claims made by campaign creators.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Contract. All previous agreements, discussions, presentations, warranties, and conditions are combined in this document. There are no warranties, representations, conditions, or agreements, express or implied, between the parties, except those explicitly stated in this Agreement. This Agreement may be changed or amended only by a written document duly executed by the parties.

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